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Napoléon Bonaparte

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Napoléon Bonaparte
part ofNapoleon I of France and Josephine Sesa
bɔbeasumale Sesa
ɔman a ofiri muFrance Sesa
name in native languageNapulione Buonaparte Sesa
birth nameNapulione Buonaparte, Napoleone di Buonaparte Sesa
din a wɔde ama noNapoléon Sesa
abusua dinBonaparte Sesa
da a wɔwoo no15 Ɔsanaa 1769 Sesa
beae a wɔwoo noAjaccio Sesa
da a owui5 Kotonimma 1821 Sesa
beae a owu wɔLongwood House Sesa
manner of deathnatural causes Sesa
cause of deathstomach cancer Sesa
place of burialCathédrale Saint-Louis-des-Invalides, Valley of the Tomb Sesa
agyaCarlo Bonaparte Sesa
maamɛMaria-Letizia Bonaparte Sesa
spouseJoséphine de Beauharnais, Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma Sesa
childNapoleon II, Charles Léon, Alexandre Colonna-Walewski, Eugen Megerle von Mühlfeld, Jules Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire Sesa
relativeCamillo Borghese, 6th Prince of Sulmona, Stéphanie de Beauharnais, Eugène de Beauharnais, Napoleon III Sesa
familyHouse of Bonaparte Sesa
native languageCorsican Sesa
languages spoken, written or signedFrench, Corsican Sesa
writing languageFrench Sesa
dibeaEmperor of the French Sesa
educated atÉcole Militaire Sesa
residenceSaint Helena, Ajaccio, Paris, Elba Sesa
work period (start)1789 Sesa
work period (end)1821 Sesa
religion or worldviewCatholicism, deism Sesa
medical conditionepilepsy Sesa
handednessleft-handedness Sesa
participant inFrench Revolution Sesa
military or police rankbrigadier general, divisional general Sesa
conflictNapoleonic Wars, French Revolutionary Wars Sesa
archives atLouis Round Wilson Library, Defence Historical Service Sesa
member ofFrench Academy of Sciences Sesa
significant eventcoup of 18 Brumaire, coronation of Napoleon I Sesa
present in workCivilization V Sesa
described at URLhttps://www.canonvannederland.nl/napoleon, http://www.digiporta.net/index.php?id=309925800 Sesa
depicted byThe Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries, Napoleon I on his Imperial Throne, Bonaparte at the Pont d'Arcole Sesa
mountVizir, Marengo, Q3204197 Sesa
maintained by WikiProjectWikiProject Mathematics Sesa
related categoryCategory:Cultural depictions of Napoleon Sesa
copyright status as a creatorcopyrights on works have expired Sesa

Napoléon Bonaparte (1770 – 1821) yε France amansɛm.