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Na Nasalsa yɛ Nubia hemmaa a ɔwɔ Kus Ahemman mu a wɔtraa ase wɔ Misraim Ahemman a Ɛto so Aduonu Anum mu . Wonim no fi shabti, nkyerɛwee bi a ɛwɔ abopon ne nkuruwa so, nkyerɛwee a ɛwɔ Khaliut stela so, ahosohyira nkyerɛwee ne nkyerɛwee bi a efi Kawa. [1] Dodson ka sɛ wɔabɔ Nasalsa din wɔ Enthronement Stela a ɛwɔ Atlanersa ne Election and Adoption Stelae a ɛwɔ Aspelta no so. Na saa stelae yi fi Gebel Barkal hɔ . [2]


Na Nasalsa yɛ Atlanersa a ɔyɛ Senkamanisken nuabea yere ne Ahene Anlamani ne Aspelta ne Ɔhemmaa Madiqen nso maame babea. [3] [4]

Anlamani stela (Kawa VIII) no wɔ nkyekyem bi a ɛka Nasalsa a wɔfrɛɛ no na ohui sɛ ne ba no te ahengua no so ho asɛm:

Afei na ɔhene maame Nasalsa, ma ɔntra ase daa, ka adehye anuanom mmea no ho. Ɔhene ɛna a ɔdɔ yɛ dɛ no, na ɔyɛ ɔyerenom nyinaa wura. N’Awurade somaa ahokafo sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ a wɔde no bɛba. Ohuu ne ba no sɛ ɔda ne ho adi te sɛ Horus wɔ n’ahengua so. N’ani gyei kɛse bere a ohui sɛ N’Awurade no ahoɔfɛ no. [5]

Aspelta’s Adoption stela no ka Nasalsa ho asɛm sɛ Ɔhene Nuabea, Ɔhene no Maame, Kus Awuraa, ne Re Babea. Nkyerɛwee no ka sɛ na Nasalsa yɛ Ɔhene Nuabea, Adoratrix a ofi Amen-Re wɔ Thebes Amenirdis no babea . Ɛbɛyɛ sɛ abusuabɔ no yɛ biako denam mmofra a wɔfa wɔn sɛ wɔn mma so, efisɛ na wosusuw sɛ Adoratrix a ɔwɔ Thebes no yɛ sigyani. "Daughter of Re" a wɔkaa ho asɛm no ne bere a edi kan a Kush Hemmaa bi de saa abodin no dii dwuma. [6]

Nsɛm a wɔde gyinaa so[sesa]

  1. Dows Dunham, M. F. Laming Macadam: Names and Relationships of the Royal Family of Napata, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 35, 1949, pp.142 (Plate XVI; nr 50), 145
  2. Aidan Dodson & Dyan Hilton: The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson, 2004, pp 236-37, 239 ISBN 0-500-05128-3
  3. Dows Dunham, M. F. Laming Macadam: Names and Relationships of the Royal Family of Napata, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 35, 1949, pp.142 (Plate XVI; nr 50), 145
  4. Aidan Dodson & Dyan Hilton: The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson, 2004, pp 236-37, 239 ISBN 0-500-05128-3
  5. Roberto B. Gozzoli, Kawa V and Taharqo's byȜwt: Some Aspects of Nubian Royal Ideology, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 95 (2009), pp. 235-248, JSTOR
  6. B. G. Haycock, The Kingship of Cush in the Sudan, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 7, No. 4 (Jul., 1965), pp. 469-470, 477, Cambridge University Press, JSTOR