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Mmoa:Typing Twi

Ɛfi Wikipedia


Twi Special-Characters


In the Twi - Language there are 2 Special-Characters , you need for writing some Twi-words

one special vowel is written Ɛ ɛ

example: Anaasε

one special vocal kou is written Ɔ ɔ

example: Nkכkככ , normaly written in english : Nkawkaw

If you need one of these special Twi-characters, you can do it by COPY it from this page and by PASTE it in your Twi-word

For COPY or PASTE use your right mouse-button while pointing to the character.

Typing on smartphones and tablets: Gboard

1 Install the Gboard app from the play store or the app store. Twe Gboard app no firi play sotɔɔ anaa app sotɔɔ
2 Go to your phone settings, usually using the "gear" icon ⚙. Kɔ wo kasatorofoɔ no nsesaeɛ a wode 'gear' icon ⚙ di dwuma
3 Go to "General management" > "Language and input" > On-screen keyboard. Kɔ beaeɛ nsesaeɛ nyinaa wɔ na kɔ >"Kasa ne nhyɛmu >ne wo 'kiibɔɔdo' now.
4 Tap "Manage keyboards". Mia kiibɔɔdo ntotoeɛ so
5 Enable "Gboard". (Disable all the other keyboards if you don't need them.) Sɔ "Gboard" no (Dum kiibɔɔdo afoforɔ nyinaa sɛ wonhia a)
6 Long-tap the comma (,) and tap on the gear icon ⚙. Mia nsanhɔ (,) so ma ɛmkyɛ na mia gear icon no so ⚙.
7 Tap "Languages" Mia "Kasa" so
8 Select Twi. If you cannot find Twi in the list, try to find Akan, which has the same letters. Fa Twi. Sɛ wonhunu Twi wɔ mu a, fa Akan na n'atwerɛdeɛ yɛ pɛ.

Typing on smartphones and tablets: African Keyboard

1 Install the "African keyboard" app. Twe [1] app no
2 Go to your phone settings, usually using the "gear" icon ⚙. Kɔ wo telefon ne nsesaeɛ bia, a yɛtaa de "gear" ,⚙️ ɛyɛ no.
3 Go to "General management" > "Language and input" > On-screen keyboard. Kɔ "General management" > "Language and input" >
L Tap "Manage keyboards". Mea "Manage keyboards"
5 Enable "African Keyboard". Sɔ "African keyboard" no
6 Go back to the phone's home screen. San kɔ wo telefon no home screen
7 Open the full apps list and open the African Keyboard app. Bie wo app no nyinaa na bie African keyboard app no
8 Tap the button with three dots from top to bottom ⋮ and tap "Settings". Mea meaɛ no a dot me3nsa ne wɔ wɔ soro hɔ ne so ⋮ na me "nsesaeɛ"
9 Tap "Character Set". Select "South Sudan". You are ready! Now you can type all the TWI letters anywhere in your phone: Internet, WhatsApp, Facebook, Google, and everywhere else. Mea "Character Set" fa "South Sudan". Wayɛ krado! Sɛseaa deɛ wo bɛ tumi abɔ wo TWI akyerɛwamba nyinaa ɛwɔ wo telefon so bɛbiaa: Abɛɛfo intɛnɛt, Whatsapp, Facebook, Google, ne bebiara wopɛ bia
10 When you are typing, switch to African keyboard using a globe icon (🌐) or slide the Space bar to the right, until the keyboard changes to African keyboard. Sɛ wo kyer3w na sɛ wopɛ sɛ wo sesa kɔ African keyboard ne so a, na we mea (🌐) ne so. Anaa sɛ wo bɛ to wonsa afa Space bar ne so akɔ nefa kɔpem berɛ a ɛbe sesa akɔ da African keyboard so

Typing on Windows and Mac computers with Keyman

1 Go to the Tavultesoft Keyman Ghana keyboard download page [2]
2 Follow the instructions on the screen to install Na di nhyehyɛe a ɛwɔ screen ne so na fa twe

Keyman's Akan Keyboard


On Keyman's Akan Keyboard;

To type this letter... Press this keyboard key:

Using Wikipedia's built-in keyboard


See Help:Extension:UniversalLanguageSelector/Input methods/ak-qx.