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Germany Amammerɛ

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Wɔatwerɛ nsɛm wei ɛwɔ Asante kasa mu

Germanfoɔ ammamerɛ ate atese wɔ mmeaɛ a wɔka German kasa wɔ wiase afaanan nyinaa. Efiri ahyeaseɛ no, Germanfoɔ nam kwan ahodoɔ ne nimdeɛ so na wɔn asiesie wɔn nnoɔma Ingresi Aburokyiman mu, ɛfa honhom ne wiase nyinaa mu. Ɛfiri tete nyinaa no, w'aferɛ Germany Das Land der Dichter und Denker (ɔman a anwensɛm twerɛfoɔ ne badwenmma wɔ mu).[1] Afoofida bebree na ɛwɔ German man no mu. Ɛkoro a ɔman no di mu akotene paa ɛwɔ mu ne deɛ wɔfrɛ no Oktoberfest a wɔdi no wɔ Munich ne wɔn buronya ammamerɛ a ɛyɛ Weihnachten.[2][3] Ahinime 3 ayɛ Germany man no da efiri 1990, a wɔn di no sɛ German Nkabom Da (Tag der Deutschen Einheit). Amansan kuo baatan UNESCO a twerɛ nnoɔma 38 wɔ Germany a ɔwɔ wiase agyapadeɛ nhyehyɛe so.[4] Nanka Gemany yɛ ɔman a ɛtɔ so mmienu wɔ aman aduonum a wɔde ebuo soronko ma no wɔ afe 2013.



Kasa a wɔde di dwuma wɔ German, na wɔka no dodoɔ no de German. Ɛyɛ kasa baako a Amansankubaatan European Union agye ato mu ɛka kasa aduonu mmiensa (23) no ho, na ɛsan nso ka kasa mmiensa (3) a wɔde di dwuma wɔ European Commission, ɛka brɔfokasa ne Francefoɔ kasa French no ho. Kasa nkumaa a w'agye ato mu bi ne Denmark kasa Danish,Sobian (Germanfoɔ a ɔwɔ apueɛ no kasa), North Frisian (kasa kumaa a wɔn a ɔwɔ German atɔeɛfam no ka no dodoɔ), ɛne Saterland Frisian (Germanfoɔ a ɔwɔ atififam no kasa dodoɔ. ECRML na ɔbɔ kasa yi ho ban.

German atukɔtenafoɔ a wɔka no dodoɔ yɛ Turkish (Turkey foɔ kasa), Kurdish (Kurds anaasɛ Kurdistanfoɔ kasa), Polish (wɔn a ɔwɔ Poland man mu no kasa), Balkan kasa (wɔn a ɔwɔ Europe anaafoɔ-atifi fam), ɛna Russian (Russiafoɔ kasa).

'Standard German' yɛ German atɔeɛfoɔ kasa na ɛne brɔfokasa, Dutch (Netherlands foɔ kasa), ɛne Germanfoɔ a ɔwɔ Frisia kasa no di nsɛ. Ebio nso no, ɛne kasa a wɔka no wɔ German apueɛ ne atifi fam no nso sesɛ. Germanfoɔ kasatwerɛ pii no, wɔnya firii Ingresi ne Ingresi ne India abusua kasa no mu. Kakra bi a wɔn hia pii no na wɔn nya firii Latin, Greek, ɛna kumaa bi nso firii France kasa French ne.

Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe
Friedrich Schiller
Brothers Grimm
Thomas Mann
Hermann Hesse


  1. Wasser, Jeremy (6 April 2006). "Spätzle Westerns". Spiegel Online International. Retrieved 28 March 2011.
  2. MacGregor, Neil (28 September 2014). "The country with one people and 1,200 sausages" . BBC. Retrieved 11 December 2014.
  3. "Christmas Traditions in Austria, Germany, Switzerland". German Ways. Retrieved 12 December 2014.
  4. "World Heritage Sites in Germany". UNESCO. Archived from the original on 12 May 2010. Retrieved 3 October 2010.