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Wɔakyerɛw nsɛm yi wɔ Akuapem kasa mu
metropolitan municipality in Turkey
official nameAnkara Sesa
native labelAnkara, انقره Sesa
IPA transcriptionˈæŋkərə Sesa
official languageTurkish Sesa
continentEhyia Sesa
ƆmanTurkey Sesa
capital ofTurkey, Ankara Province Sesa
located in the administrative territorial entityAnkara Province Sesa
located in time zoneUTC+03:00 Sesa
locationCentral Anatolia Region Sesa
located in or next to body of waterÇubuk, Hatip Sesa
coordinate location39°56′9″N 32°50′19″E Sesa
office held by head of governmentmayor of Ankara Sesa
Aban panyinMansur Yavaş Sesa
member ofLeague of Historical Cities Sesa
coextensive withAnkara Province Sesa
replacesAncyra Sesa
abasobɔde a wonyaeThe Europe Prize Sesa
postal code06000–06999 Sesa
wɔn wɛbsaethttps://www.ankara.bel.tr/ Sesa
hashtagAnkara Sesa
geography of topicgeography of Ankara Sesa
history of topichistory of Ankara Sesa
Köppen climate classificationcold semi-arid climate, Mediterranean-influenced warm-summer humid continental climate Sesa
maintained by WikiProjectWikiProject Ankara Sesa
related categoryCategory:Ankara-related lists Sesa
economy of topiceconomy of Ankara Sesa
local dialing code312 Sesa
licence plate code06 Sesa
category for maps or plansCategory:Maps of Ankara Province Sesa

Ankara yε kurow titiriw a ɛwo Turkey.