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Wɔatwerɛ nsɛm wei ɛwɔ Asante kasa mu
commune of France, big city
official nameAmiens Sesa
native labelAmiens Sesa
nicknamela petite Venise du Nord Sesa
IPA transcriptiona.mjɛ̃ Sesa
archives atMunicipal Archive of Amiens Sesa
ƆmanFrance Sesa
located in the administrative territorial entityarrondissement of Amiens, Somme Sesa
located in time zoneUTC+01:00, UTC+02:00 Sesa
located in the statistical territorial entityQ108921146, Q3550910 Sesa
located in or next to body of waterRiver Somme Sesa
coordinate location49°53′31″N 2°17′52″E Sesa
office held by head of governmentMayor of Amiens Sesa
Aban panyinBrigitte Fouré Sesa
replacesSamarobriva Sesa
significant eventSiege of Amiens Sesa
abasobɔde a wonyaeDestination pour tous, European Youth Capital Sesa
postal code80000, 80080, 80090 Sesa
phone number+33-3-22-97-40-40 Sesa
fax number+33-3-22-97-42-53 Sesa
email addressmailto:maire-amiens@amiens-metropole.com Sesa
wɔn wɛbsaethttps://www.amiens.fr/ Sesa
contact page URLhttps://www.amiens.fr/Liens-utiles/Nous-contacter Sesa
list of monumentsMonuments historiques in Amiens Sesa
category for the view of the itemCategory:Views of Amiens Sesa
category for maps or plansCategory:Maps of Amiens Sesa

Amiens yε kuro kεseε a ɛwo France. Emu nipa dodoɔ yɛ 133 755 (2016).[1]

